初めて来ましたが、ZENさんで地元のお刺身が食べれるとは思っていなかったので嬉しかったです💕 やはり地元のお刺身が一番です✨ またアルコールも豊富に取り揃えていて 良かったです〜また来ます💕初めて来ましたが、ZENさんで地元のお刺身が食べれるとは思っていなかったので嬉しかったです💕
良かったです〜また来ます💕 -
今日初めて来ましたが ZENさんで地元のお刺身が食べれるとは思っていなかったので すごく嬉しかったです… やはり地元のお刺身が一番✨ 新鮮で鮮度も良く またアルコールも豊富に取り揃えてくださってて良かったで...今日初めて来ましたが
またアルコールも豊富に取り揃えてくださってて良かったです〜また来ます💕 -
井本義樹ちょっと駐車場が停めにくいですが、その苦労をかける価値は十分だと!笑 (Translated by Google) Parking is a bit difficult, but it's well worth the effort! lolちょっと駐車場が停めにくいですが、その苦労をかける価値は十分だと!笑
(Translated by Google)
Parking is a bit difficult, but it's well worth the effort! lol -
何回来店したかわからないくらい 行ってます! 毎回違うのを頼んでますが 外れがなくてどれも美味しい。 ボリュームもすごくて いつも家族で大満足で帰ります いつ行っても店員さんの対応がよくて すごく落ち着...何回来店したかわからないくらい
また行きたい!って思わせてくれる対応にお料理です。 -
呉ソッキュ煮魚最高に美味かった‼️ (Translated by Google) The boiled fish was super delicious!! ️煮魚最高に美味かった‼️
(Translated by Google)
The boiled fish was super delicious!! ️ -
時田大雅ネタが新鮮で量も多く大変満足。また来たい (Translated by Google) The ingredients were fresh and the quantity was large, making me very satisfied. I want to come againネタが新鮮で量も多く大変満足。また来たい
(Translated by Google)
The ingredients were fresh and the quantity was large, making me very satisfied. I want to come again -
小僧マリア美味しいお魚が食べたい若者向け?ボリューム結構あります。 (Translated by Google) For young people who want to eat delicious fish? There is quite a lot of volume.美味しいお魚が食べたい若者向け?ボリューム結構あります。
(Translated by Google)
For young people who want to eat delicious fish? There is quite a lot of volume. -
ヤッシー3クリスマス前の平日ランチで利用しました。 土日と違ってお昼時にも関わらず待つことなく着席できました。 ランチの日替わりメニューが充実していて、Googleマップの最新情報にアップデートされています。 自分...クリスマス前の平日ランチで利用しました。
(Translated by Google)
I used it for a weekday lunch before Christmas.
Unlike Saturday and Sunday, I was able to be seated without waiting even though it was lunch time.
The daily lunch menu is extensive and updated with the latest information from Google Maps.
I ordered the fried horse mackerel and 3 daily sashimi set meal (limited edition), and my companion ordered the tuna, medium fatty tuna, tuna, cutlass fish, and green onion toro rice bowl.
The former is a set meal that includes two large fried horse mackerel halves and sashimi (on this day, it looks like tuna, horse mackerel, and black sea bream).
I love the addition of tartar sauce to fried horse mackerel. The batter was light and very easy to eat.
I had the black sea bream as sashimi with the skin on, but it was so tough that the skin remained in my mouth, which was a bit disappointing. I think it would have been better if it was slightly grilled.
As you can see in the photo, the daily special bowl is generously loaded with medium fatty tuna, and my companion praised it as a satisfying bowl with all three features: good color, good taste, and good portion.
This is a store with a high level of satisfaction. I would like to try a different lunch another day. -
T S唐揚げ等は提供に時間がかかりますが、海鮮丼等は早いです。どれも新鮮で美味しいです。 (Translated by Google) Fried chicken etc. take time to serve, but seafood bowls etc. are quick. Everything is fre...唐揚げ等は提供に時間がかかりますが、海鮮丼等は早いです。どれも新鮮で美味しいです。
(Translated by Google)
Fried chicken etc. take time to serve, but seafood bowls etc. are quick. Everything is fresh and delicious. -
koto chan (ことちゃん)
屋号ヒナタ店の雰囲気落ち着いていてかなり良い 料理も刺身定食食べたけど中々良い鮮度 米もウンマー( º∀º ) これで車置ける場所が広ければ5星付けたかも𐤔 (Translated by Google) The atmosphere of the store is calm and ...店の雰囲気落ち着いていてかなり良い
米もウンマー( º∀º )
(Translated by Google)
The atmosphere of the store is calm and quite nice.
I had a sashimi set meal and the food was pretty fresh.
The rice is also good ( º∀º )
If there was more space to park my car, I might have given it 5 stars. -
おちゃ美味しいし量多いし混んでないしめちゃめちゃリピりたい☺️ (Translated by Google) It’s delicious, there’s a lot of food, and it’s not crowded, so I want to come back again ☺️美味しいし量多いし混んでないしめちゃめちゃリピりたい☺️
(Translated by Google)
It’s delicious, there’s a lot of food, and it’s not crowded, so I want to come back again ☺️ -
白くーまん美味しい海鮮をまあまあリーズナブルに頂けます。副菜が出来合いっぽいと感じました。 (Translated by Google) You can enjoy delicious seafood at a reasonable price. I felt like the side dishes were read...美味しい海鮮をまあまあリーズナブルに頂けます。副菜が出来合いっぽいと感じました。
(Translated by Google)
You can enjoy delicious seafood at a reasonable price. I felt like the side dishes were ready-made. -
A Takayuki10/17初めてランチに行きました 真鯛の煮付けと刺身のランチ とても美味しく、横浜から行った甲斐が ありました 次回は違うのを食べてみたいと思いました (Translated by Google) I went for lunch for the firs...10/17初めてランチに行きました
(Translated by Google)
I went for lunch for the first time on 10/17.
Boiled red sea bream and sashimi lunch
It was very delicious and worth the trip from Yokohama.
there was
I would like to try something different next time. -
Masayo Itoお刺身美味しかったです! (Translated by Google) The sashimi was delicious!お刺身美味しかったです!
(Translated by Google)
The sashimi was delicious! -
tap boy大盛りにすると腹パンだよ (Translated by Google) If you make it a big serving, it's belly bread.大盛りにすると腹パンだよ
(Translated by Google)
If you make it a big serving, it's belly bread. -
昼田光晴(Golio)一つ一つ料理のクオリティが高すぎました!!とてもおいしかったです✨ また行きます🙇 (Translated by Google) The quality of each dish was so high! ! It was very delicious✨ I will go again 🙇一つ一つ料理のクオリティが高すぎました!!とてもおいしかったです✨
(Translated by Google)
The quality of each dish was so high! ! It was very delicious✨
I will go again 🙇 -
Kiyokazu Makino
雅幸串田たくさん食べれる。刺身も美味しい (Translated by Google) You can eat a lot. Sashimi is also deliciousたくさん食べれる。刺身も美味しい
(Translated by Google)
You can eat a lot. Sashimi is also delicious -
ゆん太いお刺身に味しみしみの煮魚で、すごく美味しかったぁ(,,•﹏•,,) ご馳走様です! (Translated by Google) The thick sashimi and boiled fish were very delicious (,,•﹏•,,) Thank you for the meal!太いお刺身に味しみしみの煮魚で、すごく美味しかったぁ(,,•﹏•,,)
(Translated by Google)
The thick sashimi and boiled fish were very delicious (,,•﹏•,,)
Thank you for the meal! -
Maeda Nobu雰囲気も落ち着いていて美味しく頂きました。 (Translated by Google) The atmosphere was relaxing and the food was delicious.雰囲気も落ち着いていて美味しく頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
The atmosphere was relaxing and the food was delicious. -
坪井和子煮魚刺身定食を頂きました。煮付けの味が最高で、また食べたいって思えたお店でした。 お店は混雑していましたが予約が出来るので、すんなり入店できました。予約おすすめです。 また近々いきます! (Translated...煮魚刺身定食を頂きました。煮付けの味が最高で、また食べたいって思えたお店でした。
(Translated by Google)
I had the boiled fish sashimi set meal. The taste of the simmered food was amazing, and it was a restaurant that made me want to eat there again.
The store was crowded, but I was able to make a reservation, so I was able to get in easily. Reservations are recommended.
I'll be back soon! -
うちだけ2024年8月18日 Lunchタイムに伺いました。 今日は、鯵が欠品しているが、Lunchメニューおすすめの黄金アジフライ定食はOKとの事で、黄金アジフライと唐揚げ+刺し身二品と、唐揚げ抜きの黄金アジフライ+刺し身二...2024年8月18日
(Translated by Google)
August 18, 2024
I visited during lunch time.
Today, horse mackerel is out of stock, but the lunch menu recommended golden fried horse mackerel set meal is OK.Fried golden horse mackerel, fried chicken + 2 sashimi items, and fried golden horse mackerel without fried chicken + 2 sashimi set meal + rice I ordered a large portion.
The fried chicken comes with 2 fist-sized giants, 2 pieces of thick fried golden horse mackerel, and thick sashimi.If you don't have fried chicken, you get 4 pieces of thick fried golden horse mackerel and 2 pieces of sashimi.The price of 2000 yen including tax feels cheap!
The fried horse mackerel comes with tartar sauce, two small dishes, pickles, and miso soup, making it a perfect arrangement.
The most important thing is the taste, by far the best fried horse mackerel I've eaten in the past few years!
I found a good store. 👍️
This is an area where people come to visit graves regularly, so it looks like they'll be looking forward to visiting the graves. (lol)
It seems like it won't come off no matter what I ask, so what should I try next time? -
あっこまーGoogle先生のお導きで初訪問です 日曜日のお昼時、そりゃ混んでますよね ウェイティングボードに名前を記入し外で待機 30分ぐらい待ってカウンター席に案内されました 品切れメニューが少しありましたが、食べよ...Google先生のお導きで初訪問です
(Translated by Google)
This is my first visit with the guidance of Google.
It's crowded on a Sunday afternoon.
Write your name on the waiting board and wait outside.
After waiting for about 30 minutes, I was shown to a counter seat.
There were some menu items that were out of stock, but there was something I had decided to eat, so I ordered that.
It came in about 15 minutes
I had Bansuke's fatty mackerel set meal, and my son had the boiled fish and sashimi set meal with mozuku vinegar and golden fried horse mackerel.
The fatty mackerel was fatty and extremely delicious.
The golden horse mackerel was also thick and fluffy, which was great.
It also came with a small bowl, and the miso soup was delicious with a good dashi stock.
No wonder it's crowded
If I had to force it, the lack of parking spaces is a negative, but maybe I should change the timings?
Or maybe you should make a reservation
Although it's not nearby, it's a restaurant I'd like to eat at again.
There seems to be a counter, table, and small seating area. -
大越清一新鮮な魚とサクサクのてんぷらがとても美味かったデス。 (Translated by Google) The fresh fish and crispy tempura were very delicious.新鮮な魚とサクサクのてんぷらがとても美味かったデス。
(Translated by Google)
The fresh fish and crispy tempura were very delicious. -
N A日替わりメニューのとろ鯖と刺身の定食をいただきましたが、想像の倍大きい鯖でした。味もジューシーで焼き加減も完璧でした。 人気店なので売り切れの品が多いのと、床に座る席だったので、あぐらが少ししんどか...日替わりメニューのとろ鯖と刺身の定食をいただきましたが、想像の倍大きい鯖でした。味もジューシーで焼き加減も完璧でした。
(Translated by Google)
I had a set meal of fatty mackerel and sashimi from the daily menu, and the mackerel was twice as big as I had imagined. The flavor was juicy and the grilling was perfect.
It's a popular store, so many items were sold out, and the seats were on the floor, so it was a little uncomfortable sitting cross-legged.
It was the best lunch! -
taka美味しかったです!また来ます! (Translated by Google) It was delicious! I'll come back later!美味しかったです!また来ます!
(Translated by Google)
It was delicious! I'll come back later! -
Ta Mu土曜日のランチに両親と訪れました。 私はZEN海鮮丼、両親は厳選刺身定食を注文。 ほどなくして出された料理は、刺身の種類が多く、盛り付けがとても綺麗です。 刺身は厚切りで鮮度もよく、お腹いっぱいになりま...土曜日のランチに両親と訪れました。
(Translated by Google)
I visited with my parents for lunch on a Saturday.
I ordered the ZEN seafood bowl, and my parents ordered the carefully selected sashimi set meal.
The dishes that were served shortly after included many types of sashimi and were beautifully presented.
The sashimi was thickly sliced, fresh, and very filling.
The other dishes looked delicious, so I'll be visiting again!
I made a reservation for the opening time on Saturday, but when I left there were people waiting outside, so I recommend making a reservation. -
山田由美子刺身と天ぷらの定食を、頂きました。 量が多いので、ご飯は小が女の人は良いですよ。 (Translated by Google) I had a set meal of sashimi and tempura. Since the portions are large, a small portion of ric...刺身と天ぷらの定食を、頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
I had a set meal of sashimi and tempura.
Since the portions are large, a small portion of rice is best for women. -
u yasamiz (yasamiz)この辺で、新鮮な魚を手頃な金額で食べられるお店です。魚が食べたいと思ったときに伺ってます。個人的にはもう少し営業時間を遅くまでやって欲しいですが、食事処(お酒も出してるようですが)なので仕方ない。 ...この辺で、新鮮な魚を手頃な金額で食べられるお店です。魚が食べたいと思ったときに伺ってます。個人的にはもう少し営業時間を遅くまでやって欲しいですが、食事処(お酒も出してるようですが)なので仕方ない。
(Translated by Google)
This is a restaurant where you can eat fresh fish at a reasonable price. I come here when I want to eat fish. Personally, I wish they would stay open a little later, but it's a restaurant (they also serve alcohol) so it can't be helped. -
A N日替わり海鮮丼を頂きました。ボリュームはもちろん、彩りや盛り付けにセンスが感じられ味も最高に美味しかったです。ご飯普通盛りで、ボリュームあったので、次回は少なめにしようと思います。 (Translated by ...日替わり海鮮丼を頂きました。ボリュームはもちろん、彩りや盛り付けにセンスが感じられ味も最高に美味しかったです。ご飯普通盛りで、ボリュームあったので、次回は少なめにしようと思います。
(Translated by Google)
I had the daily seafood bowl. Not only was it voluminous, but the colors and presentation were very tasteful, and the taste was delicious. It was a normal portion of rice, and it was voluminous, so I think I'll try a smaller portion next time. -
仲田ちょこランチタイムに伺いました ランチタイムの割に値段が高い印象です 小鯛の煮付け定食は、ランチタイムに2食限定。注文しましたが案の定ありませんでした (Translated by Google) I visited during lunch time. I ...ランチタイムに伺いました
(Translated by Google)
I visited during lunch time.
I feel like the price is high for lunch time.
The boiled small sea bream set meal is limited to two meals at lunch time. I ordered it, but as expected, it wasn't there. -
瑠奈初めて利用させていただきました! おばあちゃん達を連れて5人で利用しましたが お店に入ってからスタッフの方々が明るく、 食事のボリュームもとてもあり新鮮でとても美味しく、大満足です💯☺️ 平日はドリンクが9...初めて利用させていただきました!
(Translated by Google)
It was my first time using it!
I took my grandparents with me and used it with 5 people.
From the moment I entered the store, the staff were cheerful.
The food was very voluminous, fresh, and delicious, and I was very satisfied 💯☺️
Drinks are very cheap at 99 yen on weekdays! ️
I will use it again♪♪ -
Toshiyuki Kawana
yokohama rainbow美味しい!このお店は、どのメニューを選んでも、最高に楽しめる!アクアラインを渡って、千葉に来て、この店に来ないと後悔する。ホールのスタッフは、最高の、オモテナシです。沢山のメニューに迷ったら相談し...美味しい!このお店は、どのメニューを選んでも、最高に楽しめる!アクアラインを渡って、千葉に来て、この店に来ないと後悔する。ホールのスタッフは、最高の、オモテナシです。沢山のメニューに迷ったら相談しましょう!今回は、煮魚定食とアジが有るか確認して、アジフライランチ定食を注文、アジが有るなら、アジのなめろも頼んだ!煮魚は、いろいろな煮方があるが、魚の素材を活かした、カサゴの丸1匹の煮付け、アジフライは、アジの風味が楽しめる、美味しいフライでした。アジのなめろは、色々ななめろが有るが、料理屋さん?料亭?の様な、上品な感じで料理人のセンスが際立ってました。到着した料理のお刺身、魚の種類は、興味があれば聞いてみましょう!私は、魚が刺身になってしまうと何の魚かわからないので、必ず、教えてもらいます。魚を、食べたくなったら、(煮魚、焼き魚、フライ、天ぷら)必ず、ここ!配膳されたお料理には、店主の愛と情熱を感じる、お刺身は冷たいですが、、、😆
(Translated by Google)
delicious! No matter what menu you choose at this restaurant, you'll have the best time! If you cross the Aqua Line and come to Chiba, you will regret not coming to this store. The staff at the hall are the best and hospitable. If you are confused about the many menus, please consult us! This time, I checked to see if there was a boiled fish set meal and horse mackerel, and ordered a fried horse mackerel lunch set meal, and if there was horse mackerel, I also ordered the horse mackerel namero! Boiled fish can be boiled in a variety of ways, but the fried horse mackerel, which was a whole simmered rockfish that took advantage of the ingredients of the fish, was a delicious fried horse mackerel dish that you could enjoy the flavor of horse mackerel. There are various kinds of horse mackerel namero, but at a restaurant? restaurant? The chef's sense was outstanding, as was the elegant feel. If you are interested in the sashimi and type of fish that arrived, please ask! When I eat sashimi, I don't know what kind of fish it is, so I always ask someone to tell me. If you want to eat fish (boiled fish, grilled fish, fried fish, tempura), be sure to come here! You can feel the love and passion of the owner in the food served, although the sashimi is cold...😆 -
(Translated by Google)
The tuna, fried chicken, and grilled mackerel were all delicious. Although it is a new store, the quality is quite high. The lean tuna had excellent flavor and taste, and was very fresh. Grilled mackerel is also fatty and consistently delicious. And above all, the quality of the fried chicken was something I had never encountered in a while, and I was truly impressed by the flavor of the chicken itself, or rather the deliciousness of the meat itself. And each one is huge! It's also perfectly filling.
A senior colleague was kindly teaching a new part-time worker. There aren't many delicious set meal restaurants like this one, so I think you'll have a great experience. This is an excellent set meal restaurant that I would go to at least 3 times a week if it were in my neighborhood. Please, please maintain this quality so that the taste does not change.
I pass by Kimitsu often, so I decided to make sure to stop by there. Thank you for the meal! -
M.R. Miyauchiとても美味しかった。 また行きたいと思います。 (Translated by Google) It was very delicious. I would like to go again.とても美味しかった。
(Translated by Google)
It was very delicious.
I would like to go again. -
アズフジ食事は特に言うことはないかなぁ! テーブルの木の椅子は座りにくい。 水のピッチャーを置いてもらえると助かる! (Translated by Google) I don't have anything special to say about the food! The wooden ...食事は特に言うことはないかなぁ!
(Translated by Google)
I don't have anything special to say about the food!
The wooden chairs at the table are difficult to sit on.
It would be helpful if you could leave a pitcher of water! -
えおあいう何回かここでランチをしたことがあります 海鮮が好きな人にはたまらないメニューばかりでとっても美味しいです! 従業員さんも雰囲気が良く、とても賑わってるお店です! (Translated by Google) I've had lunch...何回かここでランチをしたことがあります
(Translated by Google)
I've had lunch here several times.
The menu is absolutely delicious and perfect for those who love seafood!
The employees are friendly and the store is very busy! -
猫柳土曜日の夜に伺いました テーブル席、とても広くていいのですが座面が狭く固いので腰痛持ちにはキツくてせめて座布団でもあればいいのになって思いました。 お料理はとても美味しかったです。しかし白米が不味か...土曜日の夜に伺いました
(Translated by Google)
I visited on Saturday night
The table seats are very spacious, but the seats are narrow and hard, making it difficult for people with back pain, so I wish I had at least a cushion.
The food was very delicious. However, I was disappointed that the white rice was tasteless.I ordered a set meal, but more than half of the rice was dry (I wonder if it had been kept warm for a long time), which was a big concern since the food was delicious.
The female clerk was very friendly and had great customer service. -
ミヤザキタダシ地元各漁港から水揚げされた新鮮なネタ、各種定食 お値段もお手頃価格 (Translated by Google) Fresh seafood caught from local fishing ports, various set meals, and reasonably priced地元各漁港から水揚げされた新鮮なネタ、各種定食 お値段もお手頃価格
(Translated by Google)
Fresh seafood caught from local fishing ports, various set meals, and reasonably priced -
あまめいいつのまにかできた海鮮のお店 日曜もランチをやっていたがお値段はそれなり。 ボリューム満点なのでこのご時世なら妥当か。 刺身も唐揚げもとても美味しいのだが、 この価格帯だとあまり気軽には通えないかな。 ...いつのまにかできた海鮮のお店
(Translated by Google)
A seafood restaurant that opened up before you knew it
They also had lunch on Sundays, but the prices were reasonable.
The volume is perfect, so I guess it's appropriate in this day and age.
Sashimi and fried chicken are both very delicious.
At this price range, I don't think you can buy it easily.
The problem is that the entrance is difficult to find and the parking lot is difficult to park. -
U Mお仕事ランチで1人で訪問。 1人だと入って直ぐのカウンターになってしまい、2人以上で行くのがお勧めです。 駐車場はお店前に有りますが、道路真ん前です。 食事は美味しく丁寧、 温かいお茶に始まり、小鉢のお...お仕事ランチで1人で訪問。
(Translated by Google)
Visited alone for a work lunch.
If you're alone, you'll end up at the counter right after entering, so we recommend going with two or more people.
There is a parking lot in front of the store, but it is directly in front of the road.
The food is delicious and polite.
Starting with hot tea, you can also enjoy a small bowl of dipping sauce and egg yolk topping.
The weekday lunch included a drink, and I had an iced coffee.
Although the store has only recently opened, the inside of the store is clean.
The semi-private room in the back looked stylish.
Next time I would like to go with a few people. -
ポコスケランチでうかがいました。 まぐろ・白身の漬け丼と天然平目フライ付き(1600円+税)を頼みました。これに、サービスでアイスがつくのですが、プリンに変えていただきました^^。 運ばれてきた料理を見て夫婦で目...ランチでうかがいました。
(Translated by Google)
I met him for lunch.
I ordered a bowl of pickled tuna and white meat with fried natural sole (1,600 yen + tax). This comes with ice cream as a service, but I had it replaced with pudding ^^.
The couple looked at each other as they looked at the food that was brought to them. What a voluminous and luxurious thing. Fresh fish was neatly arranged in a large bowl and served with beaten egg. The taste was strange and the sesame seeds were delicious.
There are two large fried soles, and the fish meat is plump, thick, and crispy. There are many small bowls, all of which are delicious and very satisfying.
The customer service was also polite and pleasant.
The place I was shown to was a 6-seater tatami room, but it felt a little narrow between the back wall and the table. It might be a little tough for men.
There were some seats with sunken kotatsu, but I thought it would be better if all the tatami seats were kotatsu style.
It's fresh, delicious, and filling, and I think it's a good value for the price. I'm interested in the other menus, so I'll be repeating!
I went again for lunch with a friend within a week.
I had a counter seat,
I was in trouble because I didn't have a place to put my bag.
I ate it by placing it on my foot or hanging it on a chair.
Please be sure to set up a basket for your luggage. -
青。昼過ぎに初めてお伺いした者です! カウンター、テーブル席、掘り炬燵席どこに案内されても楽しめる素敵な雰囲気の店内でした! かき揚げ丼と膳サラダ、自家製プリンを頼みましたが、味もボリュームも値段以上で...昼過ぎに初めてお伺いした者です!
(Translated by Google)
This is the first person I visited in the afternoon!
The restaurant had a wonderful atmosphere where you could enjoy it no matter where you were seated: counter, table seats, or kotatsu seats!
I ordered the kakiage bowl, side salad, and homemade pudding, and the taste and volume exceeded the price, so I'm sure I'll be returning!
As for the homemade pudding, I highly recommend it just for that alone♪ I wish I had known sooner if I could feel like this with seafood!
I was able to spend a fulfilling time thanks to the pleasant customer service from the general manager and staff!
Next time I would like to go at night time too 🎶 -
Mary Jane HirutaIt was delicious 😍💞✨It was delicious 😍💞✨
K友人とランチで利用しました。 12時頃行きましたがとても賑わっていました。 店内は綺麗でスタッフさんの対応も良かったです。 地魚漬け丼を食べましたが魚がとても美味しく小鉢もたくさん付いていて大満足です...友人とランチで利用しました。
(Translated by Google)
I used it for lunch with a friend.
I went around 12:00 and it was very busy.
The store was clean and the staff were friendly.
I ate the local fish pickled rice bowl, and the fish was very delicious and it came with a lot of small side dishes, so I was very satisfied!
I would definitely like to use it again! -
Bee mi-ya
紺野顕司ボリューム満点のある食事が食べれます。コスパも良いのでおすすめです。 (Translated by Google) You can eat hearty meals. I recommend it because it has good cost performance.ボリューム満点のある食事が食べれます。コスパも良いのでおすすめです。
(Translated by Google)
You can eat hearty meals. I recommend it because it has good cost performance. -
猫店長海老といかかき揚げ丼いただきました🦐🦑🥢 メニューの写真とのギャップに 目がテンになりました🤩🤣 良い意味でです🥰 だいぶボリューミーです😙 今度はご飯小盛りでお願い しま〜す🙆 ランチもお伺いしたいです ごちそ...海老といかかき揚げ丼いただきました🦐🦑🥢
(Translated by Google)
I had shrimp and squid fried rice bowl🦐🦑🥢
In the gap with the menu photo
My eyes became bright 🤩🤣
In a good way 🥰
It's quite voluminous😙
I'd like a small serving of rice next time, please.
I'll do it🙆
I would like to visit you for lunch too.
Thank you for the meal🙏❤️ -
t初訪でした! 色々なメニューがありましたが 地魚漬け丼をいただきました。今日は カンパチと真鯛でしたが 身も分厚く 食べ応えがあり盛り付けも 非常に綺麗で かなり満足です!卵の黄身と醤油の黄身醤油が 付い...初訪でした! 色々なメニューがありましたが 地魚漬け丼をいただきました。今日は カンパチと真鯛でしたが 身も分厚く 食べ応えがあり盛り付けも 非常に綺麗で かなり満足です!卵の黄身と醤油の黄身醤油が 付いている為 途中で味変もでき 飽きずに食べられます。丼のごはんの量も 小中大と選べました(*^^*) ランチは飲み物が一杯無料なのも魅力があります。お子様連れの方も居ましたが ミニ丼などあるので いいなと思いました。店内は 開店したばかりなので 綺麗です。テーブルと 小上がりがあり 掘りごたつ式の席もありました! 開店と同時に満席になり 待っている方もいたので 行く際は予約が安心かと思います。満席になる理由がわかりました。また再訪したいお店ですね。今後 店休日が火曜日から水曜日へ変更になるそうです。
(Translated by Google)
It was my first visit! There were various menu items, but I had the local fish pickled rice bowl. Today we had amberjack and red sea bream, and the meat was thick and filling, and the presentation was very beautiful, so I was very satisfied! Because it comes with egg yolk and soy sauce, you can change the taste as you go, so you can eat it without getting bored. You could choose the amount of rice in your bowl (small, medium, or large) (*^^*) One of the great things about lunch is that you get one drink for free. There were some people with children, but I thought it was nice that they had mini rice bowls. The store has just opened, so it's clean. There were tables, a small raised area, and even a sunken kotatsu-style seat! The restaurant was full as soon as it opened, and there were people waiting, so I think it's safe to make a reservation when you go. I understand why it's full. It's a store I'd like to visit again. It seems that the store holiday will be changed from Tuesday to Wednesday. -
KENJIROU TAKASU刺身は新鮮で脂も乗っておいしいです。 煮魚味付けちょうど良く美味! 店員さんも丁寧です。 価格もお手ごろでボリュームもあり お得です! 唐揚げもあるので子供連れでもいいですね😃 また食べにいきます~👍️ (...刺身は新鮮で脂も乗っておいしいです。
お得です! 唐揚げもあるので子供連れでもいいですね😃
(Translated by Google)
The sashimi is fresh, fatty and delicious.
The boiled fish is seasoned just right and is delicious!
The store staff are also polite.
Reasonably priced and voluminous
It's a good deal! We also have fried chicken, so it's great if you bring kids with you 😃
I will go eat again~👍️ -
百宏糟谷今日で三回目です 値段も安くて美味しい魚美味しい天婦羅 唐揚げ 最高です (Translated by Google) It's the third time today Cheap and delicious fish Delicious tempura and fried chicken It's the best今日で三回目です
値段も安くて美味しい魚美味しい天婦羅 唐揚げ
(Translated by Google)
It's the third time today
Cheap and delicious fish Delicious tempura and fried chicken
It's the best -
菅秀隆(ヒーデ)本日のオススメのメニュー 海鮮チラシがボリュームたっぷりで美味しかったです。 ランチは好きなドリンクが一杯付いてきます! (Translated by Google) Today's recommended menu The seafood flyer was plentif...本日のオススメのメニュー
(Translated by Google)
Today's recommended menu
The seafood flyer was plentiful and delicious.
Lunch comes with your favorite drink! -
tanabe何より新鮮!新鮮!新鮮! 1月6日からオープンされた新店、清潔でゆったりした席で食事楽しむことができました。 お刺身も新鮮で価格も周辺と比べましてもとてもコスパがいいです。 何より小鉢からご飯まで細部に...何より新鮮!新鮮!新鮮!
(Translated by Google)
Freshest of all! fresh! fresh!
The new restaurant opened on January 6th, and we were able to enjoy our meals in a clean and comfortable setting.
The sashimi is fresh and the price is very good compared to the surrounding area.
Above all, I could feel the attention to detail from the small bowl to the rice.
Highly recommended for seafood lovers.
I will visit you again when I go to Kimitsu. -
ジンジャーエール2人でランチを食べさせていただきました。 店内静かで、接客もよく、なんと言っても提供される品が大きくて美味しかったです! また何度でも通いたいお店でした! 皆さんも近くに寄った際はぜひ行ってみてくださ...2人でランチを食べさせていただきました。
(Translated by Google)
We had lunch together.
The store was quiet, the customer service was good, and the items served were large and delicious!
It was a shop I would like to visit again and again!
If you are nearby, please come and visit us! -
ys markオープン2日目に行きました 海鮮丼とゲソの唐揚げを単品で頼みましたが、どちらもとても美味しかったです まぐろ系の丼を中心に他にも料理があったので、次回は別のものも注文してみたいですね (Translated by ...オープン2日目に行きました
(Translated by Google)
I went on the second day of opening.
I ordered seafood bowl and fried chicken separately, and both were very delicious.
There were other dishes, mainly tuna-based rice bowls, so I'd like to order something else next time. -
メロンソーダ友達と4人で食べに行きました。 定食もありましたが、色々なメニューを食べてみたかった為、全て単品で頼んでシェアしました! あら煮、天ぷら、唐揚げ、お刺身盛り、豆腐サラダ、プリンと沢山食べましたが全て美...友達と4人で食べに行きました。
(Translated by Google)
I went to eat with 4 friends.
There was a set meal, but since I wanted to try a variety of items, I ordered everything individually and shared!
I ate a lot of simmered chicken, tempura, fried chicken, sashimi, tofu salad, and pudding, and they were all delicious!
I will go eat there again! ! ! -
ひでっぴ木更津1月6日オープン 君津市 外箕輪「海鮮食堂 膳( ZEN )」さんで 厳選お刺身定食 ¥2200 ご飯大盛り ¥110 金目鯛お造り ¥1100 当初は昨年12月中旬にオープン予定だったのが…約1ヶ月遅れでオープン 海鮮食堂の名...1月6日オープン 君津市 外箕輪「海鮮食堂 膳( ZEN )」さんで
厳選お刺身定食 ¥2200
ご飯大盛り ¥110
金目鯛お造り ¥1100
海鮮食堂の名のとおり 唐揚げと天ぷら以外は海鮮もの
オススメの『厳選お刺身定食』と 単品で『金目鯛お造り』を注文
木更津「和牛とまぐろ」さんの出身だからって訳では無いだろうけど…『厳選お刺身定食』は マグロ多め😁
カウンター席 x 6
6人テーブル x 2
小上がり 4人座卓 x 2、6人座卓 x 3
駐車場 店前に4台、店横に3台(隣の百々さんの営業前は百々さんの駐車場も駐車可)
千葉県 君津市 外箕輪4-3-3
営業時間 11:30〜15時、17:30〜21時(各1時間前L.O.)
定休日 火曜日
(Translated by Google)
Opening on January 6th at Kaisen Shokudo Zen (ZEN) in Sotominowa, Kimitsu City
Carefully selected sashimi set meal ¥2200
Large serving of rice ¥110
Golden sea bream sashimi ¥1100
Originally scheduled to open in mid-December last year, it opened about a month late.
As the name of Kaisen Shokudo suggests, everything except fried chicken and tempura is seafood.
Order the recommended ``Selected Sashimi Set Meal'' and ``Kinmedai Sashimi'' as a single item.
I don't think it's because I'm from Kisarazu "Wagyu to Tuna", but...the "selected sashimi set meal" has a lot of tuna 😁
Lunch is just set meals, rice bowls, and a few single items.
I have also attached the evening menu.
Thank you for the meal😊
Counter seats x 6
6 person table x 2
Small raised 4-person low table x 2, 6-person low table x 3
Parking lot: 4 spaces in front of the store, 3 spaces next to the store (you can also park in the parking lot of Dodo-san next door)
4-3-3 Sotominowa, Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture
Business hours: 11:30-15:00, 17:30-21:00 (L.O. 1 hour before each)
Closed on Tuesdays